lose value
- 失去价值

Their houses will probably lose value .
By risks , Pete D'Arruda means investing in stocks and other financial instruments that can lose value quickly .
Only now know , only know how to lose value .
If shares lose value , investors can lose all of the money they paid for their stock .
Brands that lose value the fastest
Areas that lose value as they become riskier may become magnets for poor families seeking affordable housing .
Any artistic form is formed and valued as a whole in a particular condition , or it will lose value .
It involves borrowing shares of stock and then selling them in the hope that the stock will lose value .
Traditionally , companies that acquire another lose value because of the expense along with the uncertainty about making the deal pay off .
They are used by treasurers and investors to park their short-term cash , confident that their deposits will not lose value .
Helen : You are half right , crash is also often used in business , and it means to lose value or fail suddenly and quickly .
Based on fund flows , investors want safety ( or the illusion of same , given bond funds can lose value readily ) along with income .
Based on data tested , a head lose value of 3-5m is recommended in this article for designing the future trashracks of hydropower project .
Investors are also worried that if the Federal Reserve keeps printing money , the value of that debt in terms of their own currency will lose value .
A good brand has the ability to help an enterprise get the chance in the fierce competition . If there are no outstanding brand maintenance and enhancement measures , the brand may lose value .
A Study on Win lose Value and Win win Value : Two Ways of Thinking and Perception in Social Economic Activities Corporations who fail to find and gain the targets will lose value in outsourcing .
And insignificancy of decision-making abilities will feeble the local governments ' credibility and basis of legitimacy , increase the social and governments ' costs , make the public decision-making lose value of fairness and justice .
At that point , PV begins to lose value in wholesale markets while solar thermal electricity , which uses the solar to produce steam power , " takes off at this stage thanks to ( concentrating solar power )
Having too much choice inevitably causes us to lose value in the very thing we 're seeking since there is an abundance of it already , and it becomes something to take for granted , knowing that it will always be there .
Cultural tourism is a focus in these years , tourism shall lose value if it has not culture . Based on data tested , a head lose value of 3-5m is recommended in this article for designing the future trashracks of hydropower project .
Liam Howley , marketing director at musicMagpie , told This is Money : ' After the initial loss in value , which was different for all models and makes , all the phones we researched seemed to lose value at a consistent average rate of 1 per cent a month after then . '
At present , main problem facing to the work of political thought is universal lose of value concept ;
But no matter what has happened or what will happen , you will never lose your value .
Information reaches the end of its life cycle when it begins to lose direct value to the user community .
There is ample evidence that staples could also lose substantial value in the mid-term .
The superficial esthetic inflation conceals its intrinsic lose of value and weakness .
On the Esthetic Inflation and the Lose of Value & How Can " the New Esthetics " Become Popular
No matter what I did to the bill , you still wanted it because it did not lose its value .
You don 't want to lose the value of the system by having messages of a certain type being in mixed categories .
He holds that if we just regard culture as the copy of nature , then the culture will lose its value .